Colle Dei Morti - 2020.07.08

Dykes Against Tides (V32b) (2020.07.08)

(The Beauty of Austerity III)
The Colle Fauniera in Italy is one of the most beautiful passes I’ve ever seen.

  • 1st, from one side or from the other, the climbs are different but as somptuous each. Each road would deserve a hike for itself, to take the time to feel the changes.
  • 2nd, when you’re up there, the austere wind-swept rocks and grass environment grabs you so deep in the soul, that you feel the highness and it’s like touching the sky, actually, physically…
    It then becomes a mental and psychic experience.
    Colle Dei Morti – Italy

Gear: Samsung Galaxy A70 (SM-A705FN)
Settings: F/1.7 – Focal Length: 3.9mm (equ. 26mm on Full Frame) – ISO64 – 268 x 1/2800s (~1/10s)
Original = 15798×5266 px
Stack and Merge of 268 different photos

Also on my website, Flickr, Facebook, Instagram (Check also 500px and Youpic)

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